9 Ways to Build Your Personal Brand on Twitter

Gary Vaynerchuk describes Twitter as the “cocktail party of the internet” and he’s right! In a lot of ways, Twitter feels like the most social social network. Twitter is set up to make interactions with people who aren’t following you more accessible.You’ll be able to view and respond to the tweets of just about anyone using Twitter. That’s why so many people believe in Twitter as a personal branding tool. 

Getting started on a new social media platform can be overwhelming, so we rounded up nine tips to help you set up your personal brand and reap the benefits of Twitter! We’ve also included a list of successful realtor Twitter accounts for you to be inspired by.

Join Live Twitter Chats

Twitter chats are live video sessions on the Twitter platform. There are Live Chats on just about any topic you can think of, so look for those relevant to your niche and tune in! Commenting on Live Chats is a great way to start establishing yourself as an authority in your industry and get your name in front of people who might benefit from being connected with you.

To find live chats relevant to your Twitter goals, try using the TWUBS website. TWUBS finds Twitter Live streams relevant to a search word.

Use Twitter as a Search Engine

Twitter’s search feature is more powerful than many new users realize! Using Twitter as a search engine is a great way to find people who might be looking for your services. Try searching for things like “apartment in Denver” “selling my home” or other phrases that might help you find people near you looking for something you provide.

Another way to take advantage of the search feature is to use filter results using the “near to you” search filter. That way you can type “home for sale” then find all of the recent tweets from people close to you looking for a home. 

Follow People!

Twitter is a great place to find and learn from leaders in your industry, as well as find new buyers. Follow people who would benefit from what you have to say. Chances are they might follow you back! Pay attention to Twitter’s suggested follow tab to find people who might be a good fit for your online network.

Reply to People’s Tweets

Establish yourself as an authority in the industry by replying to tweets that fall under your expertise. Contribute enthusiastically and, with time, people will start to trust you and understand your brand. 

Follow the Trending Page 

See what topics are trending and use those hashtags in your own tweets. They’ll be shown on the explore page and help you gain visibility. 

Use Your Cover Photo to Advertise Your Brand

Post a quality image and include your logo somewhere on the cover photo! This is the first thing Twitter users see when they visit your profile so it’s important to make the most of it. 

Plan Ahead! Try Using a Scheduling Software

Although there’s no replacement for engaging with content in real-time, one way to lighten the load is to use a planning software to schedule posts in advance. Twitter Deck, Twitter’s planning platform, is a great tool. Here’s a link.

Tweet Often

To continue to be favored by Twitter’s algorithm, it’s important to post regularly. Expert opinions vary on how many times a day you should post, but once or twice is a great start!

Take Advantage of Twitter Lists

As you start to follow more people, your feed will get messy and you might miss important industry updates or tweets from accounts you want to watch closely. Twitter lists will help you organize your feed by topic so you can engage more effectively and keep an eye on your competition.

Hootsuite has a great  guide on setting up your Twitter lists and using them to up your game. Click here to read

Building a personal brand takes time and lots of work, but if you can find a way to make it fun, it doesn’t feel like work. For content inspiration, check out these five profiles of realtors who are killing it on Twitter. 






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