NoviHome Blog: Resources & News

6 Changes That'll Make a Big Difference In Your Home Buyer Experience

Written by Anja Sutton | Nov 21, 2022 5:33:15 PM

An upset customer will tell at least 15 people about their experience! Their story can influence those 15 peoples’ opinions. The sales you are trying to make can be affected if your home buyer’s experience isn’t prioritized. Keeping current buyer’s is as important as searching for new leads. This is because they can either draw in more sales by sharing their experience or they can drive them away. 

Understanding that current buyers can lead to valuable marketing means learning to prioritize your buyers and creating a good experience for them to share. 

What changes can you make that’ll make a big difference with your buyer? 


Homebuyers want a better relationship with their contractors, this relationship can be improved simply through communication. Buyers want to understand the homebuilding process and feel up to date on the construction of their home. Direct messaging, and push notifications are a great solution to keeping constant communication with your buyer. Helping them feel noticed and taken care of. 

Easily accessible materials 

The homebuilding process can be long and stressful. New buyer’s can easily feel overwhelmed with the decisions they need to make and the materials they are handed. Reduce their inconvenience by offering digital materials to help with the buyer's experience. NoviHome Show offers digital floor plans and displays that can help the buyer organize their materials and reduce the overwhelm of the process.

Progress updates 

Informing your buyers on the construction process can keep them excited for their new home! When buyers are left in the dark or receive limited updates - they can become impatient and even worried that the process isn’t going as planned. With NoviHome, uploading progress pictures and videos is made simpler and more convenient. Offering these digital updates that are neatly stored and easily accessible, can make a huge difference in the buyer's experience working with you.  

Convenient design center 

Just as simplifying and organizing your materials can improve the buyers experience, so can digitizing your design center. Buyers want to be able to customize their homes in a more convenient way. For many buyers, this part of the process is the most “fun.” Being able to easily access their customizations allows them to show their families and can make their experience more enjoyable.

Navigate their expectations

Buyers often come into the home building experience with high expectations and a long list of ‘wants and needs.’ Good communication with your buyers can help you navigate their expectations more easily. Understanding the buyer's expectations on timelines, prices, and relationships among other things will enhance their experience working with you. 

Communicate delays 

The pandemic disrupted the global supply chain, causing a shortage or delays on materials. About 85% of buyers experience delays during the construction process. These delays can be frustrating for your buyers. Although delays cannot always be controlled, communicating with your buyers to make them aware of any delays or back ups can reduce the risk of upsetting them. 

The Home Buyer Experience (HBX) your buyer gets is the one they will share. People don’t hesitate to spread both the good and the bad experiences they have with their friends and family. Creating a good experience for your buyers can result in valuable marketing and the possibility of driving in new sales.

NoviHome offers a variety of solutions that will make a big difference with your buyer by prioritizing your home buyer's experience. Keeping the buyer at the center of the home building process will ultimately benefit your business and bring in more potential sales.